
While you will find our site and work and presence generally informative (if it is your thing, that is, and this interaction is the right time), I also give (somewhat-)structured and arranged counseling and coaching sessions for persons and groups, teachings, and guided travels/ tours or other forms of experiences and explorations.

I work in a combination of usual and unusual ways. For example instead of finding me at a workshop, you can take me out on a drive (conditions apply) for a conversation, pay for the time, and drop us back home. This way we can work with our habits and schedules.

Given certain demands of the world that I abide in at the moment, I have decided to pick two protocols that I traditionally avoided, but which, upon reflection, I always thought at a SOULular level, to be important: One, I have decided to “somewhat structure” the counsel and teachings, and carefully prescreen and elect and design the experience. In short, we don’t just “trust the moment” and leave everything to it to evolve spontaneously. This is in light of the unstable and risk-laden situations we find ourselves in, and given the consciousness level we often engage with.

ASIDE: We don’t worry how or why we are where we are in terms of the world we live in –some spiritual traditions these days are bent on declaring the experiences of a person or group to be their work/ fault/ “karma”; we are acting according to the demands of the dark night in the forest.

Two, we charge a fee or make demands for other arrangement. This is to harness the oft uncontrolled egos and psyches of the people we are working with, AND/OR to give some concrete form to our transactions as well as make the everyday arrangements we need to make for our work/experience. Again, this may arise from the particular atmosphere I see myself in at the moment.

We just find it useful to have some pre-conditions and preliminary surveys and negotiations, and to charge for our time and effort (because this society is not yet in “payback” mode — i.e. the good one does is not returned). So that’s that. And that out of the way, we will share about our offers and work here shortly.

The information on this page is a work-in-progress; and fuller information will be shared in good time. Regards.